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Gynecomastia Pre-op Appointment

Gynecomastia consultationA gynecomastia pre-op/consultation meeting with Dr. Cruise is required to ensure everything is in order prior to surgery. In most cases, patients traveling from out of the area have not met with Dr. Cruise in person. It is important he has the opportunity to evaluate your gynecomastia in person to reaffirm his initial suggested surgical plan. This also allows an opportunity for any remaining questions or concerns to be answered.

For out of state patients the gynecomastia pre-op meeting typically takes place upon arrival in Newport Beach, Orange County. If arrival is not until the day of surgery, arrangements will be made to meet with Dr. Cruise before the procedure takes place. During this appointment, patients will meet with Dr. Cruise in person to review the surgical plan and ask questions. The nurse will review your list of medications, surgical consents, pre/post operative instructions, and take your before photos. You will also be given a pre/post operative kit with important items needed.

Gynecomastia is the medical term used for enlarged male breasts. The ideal male breasts are muscular and well defined, which signifies strength and masculinity. In some cases, the male breast becomes fatty and can even sag. This results in an unhealthy, out of shape, more feminine appearance. When this happens many men become quite self-conscious and may even withdraw from certain physical or social activities. In the animated pictures of gynecomastia below, you can see how the chest of a man with gynecomastia looks in comparison to an ideal male chest.

Overview of Gynecomastia