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Latest Blog Updates on Gynecomastia

Our gynecomastia blog provides valuable information about current news, patient stories, and surgical advances for those who want to stay up to date about the condition.

Gynecomastia news can provide valuable insight for men with enlarged breasts. Education is key to making an informed decision about whether or not male breast reduction surgery is the best option for you. Reading stories about other men who have been suffering with the same condition as you will help you understand you are not alone in this. Countless teenagers and adult men are living with effects of gynecomastia. Many feel trapped by their enlarge male breasts. The gynecomastia news, stories, and information published here can help you through difficult times and give you the hope you need that you can live a better life free of male breasts.

What Happens If Gynecomastia Isn’t Treated?

Although occurring in 35-40% of men at some point in their lives, gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement, isn’t frequently talked about on a widespread scale. This has led to a low level of awareness that gynecomastia can be treated, rather than simply addressing what can be an embarrassing condition. But…

What is the Main Cause of Gynecomastia?

Men with gynecomastia are often surprised to learn the complexities of the condition and the many considerations that plastic surgeons have to take when it comes to gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia consists of excess breast tissue with or without fatty tissue. It may also have a skin laxity component. During a…

How to Emotionally Support Someone with Gynecomastia

We all have certain parts of our bodies that bother us. Big or small, it’s natural to want to change some aspect of our appearance. While these features don’t always have too much of an impact on our lives, there are some that affect a person more than others. When…

Reducing Man Boobs: What Are My Options?

Enlarged male breasts, or gynecomastia, are a condition that many men struggle with.  Sometimes called “man boobs,” it can be extremely hard on self-confidence when a man doesn’t feel comfortable taking his shirt off or wearing certain outfits. Even worse, enlarged male breasts can often be the subject of many…

Which Type of Gynecomastia Do I Have?

Although gynecomastia has always affected a significant number of men, it’s only in recent years that the plastic surgery community has given this condition a growing amount of attention, shedding light on the toll it takes on men’s self-confidence. Rather than hiding their body and feeling ashamed of how they…

The Daddy Do-Over: What You Need to Know

Men seeking plastic surgery are commonly interested in addressing signs of aging or changes they see in their bodies over time. Often, they have concerns or insecurities about multiple areas of the body or face. For these patients, Dr. Cruise offers a customizable treatment known as a daddy do-over, which…

Steroids and Gynecomastia: Prevention and Treatment for Enlarged Male Breasts

Steroid use is a common cause for gynecomastia that develops as an adult. Thankfully, there are effective treatments available to resolve gynecomastia for those who experience the condition after taking steroids. In addition, many patients can avoid the condition altogether by altering the substances they use. Here are some basics…

What You Need to Know Before Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia can be a source of self-consciousness for many. Thankfully, gynecomastia surgery in Los Angeles is available to treat this condition and offer a permanent body contouring solution for the chest. If you’re considering gynecomastia surgery, there are a few things you should understand before deciding to move forward with…

Answering Your Most Common Gynecomastia Questions

Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction, is one of the procedures that Dr. Cruise is best known for. This procedure is chosen by men who have enlarged breast tissue, which may be the result of any number of factors including hormonal imbalance or dramatic weight loss. Before you choose to…

Recovering from Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is a common condition that affects the breast tissue in men. This is a condition in which the male breasts become enlarged, resembling that of female breasts. Gynecomastia often happens during puberty for adolescents as their hormones are changing, but it can also occur in men during adulthood. Often,…