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Gynecomastia Overview

Welcome to Southern California’s most comprehensive resource about Gynecomastia & Male Breast Reduction Surgery. Dr. Cruise, a board-certified plastic surgeon and top gynecomastia specialist, believes patient education is a priority. With this in mind, Dr. Cruise has filled this dedicated gynecomastia site with highly relevant in-depth information that is easy to understand, along with a comprehensive library of before and after photos.

The information provided is here to help you make an educated decision about whether or not to pursue male breast reduction surgery.

The animation video below demonstrates how Dr. Cruise routinely performs gynecomastia and provides an explanation of his gynecomastia classification system. We hope you find the content, videos, and pictures useful during the research process.

Below you will find a list of some of the important topics that will be discussed throughout this site. As stated above, you will also be able to review the many male breast reduction before and after pictures of Dr. Cruise’s patients from Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, and throughout other areas of the world.

Important Gynecomastia Topics

What are the different types of gynecomastia?

Dr. Cruise has created a unique classification system for grading the severity of gynecomastia.

What are the components of gynecomastia?

What causes gynecomastia?

Steroids, medications, hormone imbalances, excess weight, etc. can attribute to the development of gynecomastia which then can lead to excess breast tissue, fatty tissue, and other components of gynecomastia.

What type of male breast reduction surgery is best?

Complications, risks, recovery and safety

With any surgery, there are risks and the possibility of complications such as a hematoma, excess scar tissue, or unfavorable scars. Keep in mind, top gynecomastia doctors like Dr. Cruise are highly skilled, therefore have fewer complications than other surgeons.

How much is Gynecomastia Surgery in California?

Gynecomastia surgery varies in cost but is generally between $7,500-$18,000. The fees vary depending on where the surgery is being performed, what type of anesthesia is used, and how extensive the procedure is. Financing is available.

Overview of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is the medical term used for enlarged male breasts. The ideal male breasts are muscular and well defined, which signifies strength and masculinity. In some cases, the male breast becomes fatty and can even sag. This results in an unhealthy, out of shape, more feminine appearance. When this happens many men become quite self-conscious and may even withdraw from certain physical or social activities. In the animated pictures of gynecomastia below, you can see how the chest of a man with gynecomastia looks in comparison to an ideal male chest.
Ideal Chest
Puffy Nipples
Classic Gynecomastia
Fatty Gynecomastia
The causes of this problem can be anything from hormonal changes, medications, or even genetic predisposition. It is actually not uncommon for healthy teenage boys, beginning around 14 years of age, to have this problem through puberty. It is almost always a result of hormones and goes away in a couple of years.
Often, the cause of gynecomastia is never identified. Certain diseases and medications can be the cause but these need to be looked into by your family doctor. The medical causes range from deficiency of testosterone to excess of estrogen. Being overweight can cause too much estrogen and, therefore, it is highly recommended to lose weight.
There are many medications which are known to be a direct cause of enlarged male breasts. Steroids, hormones, and street drugs can potentially cause gynecomastia. Liver problems can also cause the male breast to change. While medications and liver issues are two common causes, there are many other reasons, and only a medical evaluation can determine what could be contributing to your situation.
The great news is that enlarged male breasts can be effectively treated through modern advances in plastic surgery. You no longer have to live in shame or embarrassment. The surgical options for gynecomastia depend on what is causing the problem and the different grades of gynecomastia as defined in Dr. Cruise’s “classification system.” The three components are 1) excess fat, 2) excess breast tissue, and 3) excess skin.

Excess Fat

This is found in almost every gynecomastia patient. It is centered around the nipple/areola, but frequently covers the entire chest. This is typically removed with liposuction alone, if the cause is simply excess fat. In most cases, the skin tightens back up resulting in a great result.

Excess Fat and Breast Tissue

You may be surprised to know that all men have breast tissue. It is the same type of breast tissue that women have, but in much smaller amounts. With gynecomastia, the breast tissue tends to over “grow” and is typically located right under the nipple/areola. If a man squeezes the tissue directly below his nipple, it could feel like a squishy, football shaped lump.

The above before/after gynecomastia pictures represent a 31 year old man who had liposuction and breast tissue removal.

Often times with gynecomastia this tissue mass will dramatically enlarge. In these cases, liposuction alone will rarely remove this tissue. It will usually need to be cut out. The incision is typically located just below the areola where it is very well hidden and will ultimately fade to a point where it isn’t visible.

Excess Fat, Breast Tissue and Skin

When the fat and breast tissue are surgically removed, the skin usually will retract or shrink back resulting in a nice flat appearance. There are times when a man has poor skin quality and too much excess skin will still remain after surgery. In these cases, the skin will need to be removed to obtain the desired result.


Shown above is a 26 year old with severe gynecomastia (type 4 gynecomastia) treated with liposuction, breast tissue removal, and skin excision.

The excess skin is obvious. Other patients who may need skin removal are those with poor skin that does not have the elastic properties to shrink back. These are usually older patients or those with significant stretch marks. Dr. Cruise typically is able to remove skin by making an incision only around the areola. The resulting gynecomastia scar tissue is well hidden because it is masked by the interface between the skin and the areola.

Schedule a Consultation

If you have enlarged male breasts, contact Dr. Cruise to schedule a free consultation. Call us today (949) 755-8541 or fill out the online contact form to determine the next right step in your gynecomastia journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition where excess breast tissue occurs in boys or men.
Hormonal changes, especially during puberty, can be a reason for developing man boobs. Additionally, certin medications, supplements and recreational drugs are also shown to cause gynecomastia. The condition may consist of excess breast tissue alone, or a combination of exess breast tissue and fatty tissue, and/or may include skin laxity.
There is typically no gynecomastia insurance coverage, but it varies from insurance company to insurance company. It is best to check with our insurance provider directly to determine whether you have coverage for gynecomastia surgery. We also offer financing to help manage surgical costs.

Pseudogynecomastia is characterized as enlarged male breasts resulting from fat buildup, not excess breast tissue. Although fat can have a role in traditional gynecomastia, its distinguishing characteristic is that the male breasts are enlarged from excess breast tissue growth.

Although weight loss can sometimes improve gynecomastia symptoms, it only addresses the fatty components, not excess breast tissue. For the best results, surgery is needed to remove enlarged male breasts.

It is common to have mild bruising and swelling after gynecomastia surgery, but these symptoms will improve significantly within 1-2 weeks. Although patients can return to some normal activities after this time, we may recommend that patients avoid strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks.

Some cases of pubescent gynecomastia may improve on its own as hormonal levels balance out. However, if symptoms persist for more than a year, surgery may need to be considered.