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Which Type of Gynecomastia Do I Have?

By Dr. Joseph Cruise

Although gynecomastia has always affected a significant number of men, it’s only in recent years that the plastic surgery community has given this condition a growing amount of attention, shedding light on the toll it takes on men’s self-confidence. Rather than hiding their body and feeling ashamed of how they…

The Daddy Do-Over: What You Need to Know

By Dr. Joseph Cruise

Men seeking plastic surgery are commonly interested in addressing signs of aging or changes they see in their bodies over time. Often, they have concerns or insecurities about multiple areas of the body or face. For these patients, Dr. Cruise offers a customizable treatment known as a daddy do-over, which…

Steroids and Gynecomastia: Prevention and Treatment for Enlarged Male Breasts

By Dr. Joseph Cruise

Steroid use is a common cause for gynecomastia that develops as an adult. Thankfully, there are effective treatments available to resolve gynecomastia for those who experience the condition after taking steroids. In addition, many patients can avoid the condition altogether by altering the substances they use. Here are some basics…

What You Need to Know Before Gynecomastia Surgery

By Dr. Joseph Cruise

Gynecomastia can be a source of self-consciousness for many. Thankfully, gynecomastia surgery is available to treat this condition and offer a permanent body contouring solution for the chest. If you’re considering gynecomastia surgery, there are a few things you should understand before deciding to move forward with the procedure. How…

Answering Your Most Common Gynecomastia Questions

By Dr. Joseph Cruise

Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction, is one of the procedures that Dr. Cruise is best known for. This procedure is chosen by men who have enlarged breast tissue, which may be the result of any number of factors including hormonal imbalance or dramatic weight loss. Before you choose to…

Recovering from Gynecomastia Surgery

By Dr. Joseph Cruise

Gynecomastia is a common condition that affects the breast tissue in men. This is a condition in which the male breasts become enlarged, resembling that of female breasts. Gynecomastia often happens during puberty for adolescents as their hormones are changing, but it can also occur in men during adulthood. Often,…

Does Gynecomastia Go Away?

By Dr. Joseph Cruise

Gynecomastia is the medical term for enlarged male breasts. It is quite common for teenagers going through puberty to experience this condition. For most young men, it goes away on its own by the age of 21. Adult males who have gynecomastia are rarely able to get rid of it…

What Type of Gynecomastia Do I Have?

By Dr. Joseph Cruise

Gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) does not occur similarly among all male teenagers and adults. there are certain factors that may differentiate one case from another. Not only does the size of breast enlargement vary, but so does the make-up of what is causing it and the quality of the skin….

Jessica Morris, Assistant Manager, Donates Kidney

By Dr. Joseph Cruise

Cruise Plastic Surgery is proud to announce that our assistant manager and patient advocate, Jessica Morris, successfully donated her kidney to save a complete stranger’s life! Jessica has wanted to donate her kidney to a person in need for a while now, and she finally had the opportunity! Click here…

Cosmopolitan: Dr. Cruise on Male Breasts and Gynecomastia

By Dr. Joseph Cruise

Dr. Cruise, a leading, board-certified specialist in gynecomastia and male breast reduction, offers his expertise to the style, beauty, and lifestyle giant, Cosmopolitan, in his latest educational contribution to the plastic surgery community. The article, Why Do Men Have Nipples?, answers many questions about male breasts, their function, and why…