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When Should I See a Doctor for Gynecomastia?

October 19, 2023

You’ve probably heard of the term “man boobs”—commonly used to describe the enlargement of male breasts to the point of appearing like a feminine breast. In the scientific community, this rapid breast tissue development in men is called gynecomastia

Regardless of what you call it, it’s not a surprise that this condition can severely impact men’s self-worth, leading them to hide behind baggy clothes and avoid social settings and intimacy. Fortunately, there are options  available to help men gain a lifetime of relief and newfound confidence by getting rid of it altogether.

Defining Gynecomastia and Its Causes

Gynecomastia can affect males at any age and is quite common for adolescents going through puberty. In younger men, gynecomastia may be caused by the sudden hormonal changes occurring within the body during puberty. Beyond puberty, hormonal imbalances may happen later in life, or an individual may develop hyperthyroidism. In both cases, gynecomastia is more likely. 

Situational cases can also lead to gynecomastia, such as massive weight gain or recreational drug use. Additionally, there are some anabolic steroids and prescription medications that cause male breast tissue to develop rapidly. It is important that you understand what causes your gynecomastia so you can better ascertain the best course of action. 

Possible Solutions to Gynecomastia

For cases where hormonal imbalances bring on gynecomastia, the condition may resolve on its own. Younger men going through puberty should wait to see if it resolves on its own before pursuing intervention. Older men typically have a component of skin laxity, which cannot be improved by diet, working out, etc.  The most effective solution is surgical skin tightening, however, you will need to be evaluated to determine the course of action properly. 

If medications brought on your gynecomastia, you may find the solution is as simple as switching medications or going off them completely, if that is allowable. However, cases that do not respond to non-invasive measurement will need to rely on gynecomastia surgery for permanent breast reduction. If your breast tissue comes back after fading when non-invasive solutions are attempted, you should consider surgery.

When to Consult Your Doctor

Since many cases of gynecomastia resolve on their own, it can be hard for patients to determine the time for action. The good news is there’s never a bad time to mention your concerns to your doctor. No matter the cause, sharing your worries with a medical professional is the best way to understand your situation and options.

Gynecomastia can be similar to a waiting game, so your doctor will likely wait and observe your breast tissue for around six months to see if the issue resolves itself. This is especially true for younger patients experiencing gynecomastia during puberty, so bringing up concerns early on can avoid spiraling into depression.

As soon as you see your chest change, you can consult your doctor. Excess breast tissue can cause crippling insecurities, so seeking solutions quickly is important to regain your confidence—just be prepared for an observational period before surgical intervention

Who Can Treat My Gynecomastia?

When deciding to undergo gynecomastia surgery, the best doctor to trust is an experienced gynecomastia plastic surgeon. Plastic surgeons are trained to ensure your safety at all times and simultaneously create natural results. When choosing your surgeon, proper credentials such as an American Board of Plastic Surgery certification are important to look for. Additionally, not all plastic surgeons are experts in gynecomastia. Look over their website, before and after photos, and reviews to learn more about their experience with this sub-specialty. 

Dr. Cruise is a masterful artist renowned for his treatment of gynecomastia. Men from all over the world seek him out to perform their gynecomastia surgery. 

To learn how Dr. Cruise can help you, schedule a consultation. Virtual and in-person visits are offered. 

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