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Can You Live with Gynecomastia?

January 17, 2024

Living with gynecomastia can be a challenging condition to navigate. While the condition in the vast majority of cases is not life-threatening, the discomfort and stress can cause a man’s quality of life to decline. Additionally, a feminine chest appearance can harm self-esteem and confidence. Finding a way to live with gynecomastia is key to living a life free of burden.

Understanding Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is categorized as the enlargement of male breast tissue, sometimes to the point of appearing like a female breast. The size of male breast tissue can vary widely between patients, and the condition can affect men at any age. Teenage boys may experience gynecomastia during puberty. In most instances, it will go away on its own, but for some, it remains permanent. Gynecomastia can occur in adult men due to aging, hormone changes, health conditions, genetics, certain medications and recreational drugs.

Symptoms and Challenges of Gynecomastia

The most common symptoms of gynecomastia include:

  • Sensitive nipples
  • Puffy nipples
  • Tenderness or discomfort
  • Enlgarged breast tissue
  • Chaffing

Men with gynecomastia may experience one or more of these symptoms. Beyond the physical discomforts associated with gynecomastia, many men struggle with the mental aspect of the condition. In many cases, despite efforts to get rid of gynecomastia through working out and diet, no change is seen, which adds to the emotional toll.

At-Home Management of Gynecomastia

While there are no at-home cures for gynecomastia, there are a few tips that can provide relief to men struggling with male breast enlargement.

To relieve the physical and emotional effects of gynecomastia, wearing thicker clothing and avoiding white shirts are a good starting point. For those with more severe gynecomastia, wearing a compression tank, vest, or even a support bra can provide further relief in terms of the appearance and feeling of the oversized chest.

Seeking Solutions to Gynecomastia

If at-home remedies no longer provide enough relief, surgical intervention will permanently eliminate gynecomastia. 

Male breast reduction surgery is designed to flatten the chest, remove excess breast tissue and fat, and create a more masculine appearance. 

Gynecomastia Care in Los Angeles, CA

Men seeking a permanent life-changing are advised to consider gynecomastia surgery.   Dr. Joseph Cruise is a leading globally recognized male breast reduction surgeon located in Orange County, California, which is just 45 minutes from Los Angeles, California. Dr. Cruise and his staff are passionate about providing the surgical and emotional support needed to get your life back on track.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Cruise. 

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Dr. Joseph Cruise is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. Regarded as one of the top gynecomastia surgeons in the world, Dr. Cruise has gynecomastia-specific content that can be found at Dr. Cruise has dedicated his career to cosmetic surgery but has also had extensive training in General Surgery, Hand Surgery, and Microvascular Surgery. Dr. Joseph Cruise is also a member of the Rhinoplasty Society as well as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

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