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Los Angeles Gynecomastia, one of the top gynecomastia practices in the United States, is now offering Vectra 3D imaging as a tool to show male breast reduction patients what they can expect to look like following surgery. Until recently, 3D imaging was available, but had limitations on what body parts could be altered via the program.
Dr. Joseph Cruise has been using 3d imaging for years to show rhinoplasty and chin augmentation patients what changes could be made through surgery. With the new Vectra 3d imaging system by Canfield, Dr. Cruise is now able to use the program not only for rhinoplasty and chin augmentation, but for his gynecomastia patients as well. During the consultation, patients can experience a “virtual male breast reduction” depicting what the final results will look like.
See how Vectra 3d imaging works on The Doctors (this video represents a breast augmentation)
Most individuals considering plastic surgery are concerned about the outcome resulting from their procedure. The inability to visually see what they can expect to look like can keep a person from having surgery. Hearing what one can expect is much different than actually seeing it. Dr. Cruise uses VECTRA 3D imaging technology to allow his gynecomastia patients to preview potential results before their procedure and help them feel confident about their decision to have male breast reduction.
The VECTRA® imaging system combines three-dimensional photography with revolutionary computer software to allow you to preview what you will look like after male breast reduction, as well as other body contouring procedures such as liposuction.
Visualize your new image with VECTRA 3D
During your consultation, Dr. Cruise will use the VECTRA 3D technology to simulate results for your gynecomastia procedure and any other procedures you may be considering –
List of procedures available to simulate with VECTRA®
Male Breast reduction
Tummy tuck
Chin augmentation
Neck lift
Buttock augmentation
How it Works
Using multiple cameras, the VECTRA 3D takes a number of pictures simultaneously at different angles. With the Sculptor software Dr. Cruise then creates a computer-generated 3D model of your chest, and body if necessary. The 3D model is completely customized and viewed from a variety of angles. Dr. Cruise will make adjustments to simulate the actual results that can be achieved through gynecomastia surgery.
How You Benefit
Using this advanced 3D computer imaging system will improve your consultation experience, simulate your surgical outcome, improve your confidence in having surgery, help Dr. Cruise customize your treatment plan, and ensure clear communication.
Visualize your new image, schedule your consultation today: 323-509-4963
Dr. Joseph Cruise is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. Regarded as one of the top gynecomastia surgeons in the world, Dr. Cruise has gynecomastia-specific content that can be found at Dr. Cruise has dedicated his career to cosmetic surgery but has also had extensive training in General Surgery, Hand Surgery, and Microvascular Surgery. Dr. Joseph Cruise is also a member of the Rhinoplasty Society as well as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
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